A host of industry representatives, MPs and members of the House of Lords joined international maritime charity Sailors’ Society to mark its 200 years of supporting seafarers and their families around the world, at a reception held in Parliament last week (6 June).
Carl is particularly committed to the Sailors’ Society whose mission is “Transforming seafarers’ lives at home, in port and at sea.” About the Sailors’ Society’s emphasis on seafarer welfare, Carl says: “No bigger issue faces us today. However, the “wellbeing” of mariners is only going to touch some. We need to influence UKGov to ensure the de-commoditisation of seafarers and the eradication of modern slavery practices in the maritime environment.”
Penny Mordaunt MP said, “It was great to hear about the care and support Sailors’ Society has provided to seafarers in need over the past 200 years, such as working to help seafarers look after their mental health during the long contracts at sea and supporting their families back at home in times of crisis.”