We understand the quality you need in testing your fire systems as we are the world leading manufacturer of portable ultrasonic liquid level indication technology and have been for over 30 years.
We have a range of equipment designed for you, for the of your testing fire suppression cylinders, including CO2, FM-200®, NOVEC 1230®, Halon and a wide variety of other clean agent suppression agents.
Portalevel® MAX for Fire Cylinders for Land-Based Systems:
Fire suppression systems must be checked for for cylinder content leakage. By using the Portalevel ® MAX, you can exceed regulatory standards and ensure that your systems have sufficient agent to extinguish a fire when it breaks out on land.Portalevel® MAX Marine for Fire Cylinders for Marine Systems:
Be compliant with IMO SOLAS FSS Code for marine fixed gaseous fire extinguishing systems at sea, on vessels and offshore installations.. By using the Portalevel ® MAX Marine, you can exceed regulatory standards and ensure that your systems have sufficient agent to extinguish a fire when it breaks out, on ships..Stay compliant with the regulations – Go above and beyond regulatory compliance.
NFPA 2001:2018
ISO 14520 Regulation Chapter 9 & Annex F 5 – Regulations for Gaseous Fire Extinguishing Systems and Room Integrity Testing methods.
IMO SOLAS & FSS Code Chapter – “Means shall be provided for the crew to safely check the quantity of the fire extinguishing medium in the containers.”
CO2 UK Marine Equipment Directive (MED) UK/EU legislation with US Coast Guard Mutual Recognition – “Means should be provided to verify the liquid level in all the cylinders, either by weighing the cylinders or by using a suitable liquid level detector.”