Identifying precise leak site locations and size using the Portascanner™
CURRENT SITUATION: Before installing Clean Agent fire suppression systems the integrity of the building structure commonly undergoes “Door Fan Testing’. This test determines the Peak Pressure and Hold Time necessary for ensuring the effectiveness of these fire suppression systems. Recommended by NFPA 2001 and ISO 14520 standards to calculate the overall leakage of a room.
LIMITATIONS: Locating exact leak sites is currently done by a “puffer test” with smoke. However, such current methods do not provide precise, accurate results on leak location or size.
SOLUTION: Today, the industry can benefit from using the Portascanner™ Airtight Integrity Test Indicator alongside the Door Fan Testing for a complete and comprehensive regulatory room test. Ideal for precise leak detection, Portascanner™ is an exceptionally accurate (to 0.06mm) and fast method. It is the first of its kind, intuitive to use, non-invasive, and consequently, is of immediate use to the Fire Industry. Read more.[contact-form-7 id=”401″ title=”Portascanner 520″]