Panelist at GTR #FutureProofingTradeFinance

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Speak up session: Has diversity and inclusion in the trade finance space advanced?

This GTR panel addressing topics ranging from how to change a company culture, hiring practices, the role of technology, behavioural biases and the need to compete to attract young talent.This closing Question Time-style session will bring some of these themes together to consider the extent to which initiatives such as this have impacted on the market, with the trade finance industry seemingly now having greater awareness of the importance of these issues. The session will also provide members of the audience with the opportunity to ‘speak up’, sharing their own anecdotes and experiences.

Moderator: Shannon Manders, Editorial Director, Global Trade Review (GTR)
Maria Mogilnaya, Associate Banker, Trade Facilitation Programme, EBRD
Cristhian Rodríguez, Global Trade Compliance Specialist, Google
Catherine Lang-Anderson, Partner, Allen & Overy
Pouya Jafari, Associate, Channel Capital Advisors; Founder, tradeXplain
Clare Hunter, Head of Marketing & Communications, Coltraco Ultrasonics

Details here:

Photo credit: GTR #futureproofingtradefinanceThis is one of Coltraco’s core values. We place the stability, prosperity and happiness of our team and our customer satisfaction at the centre of our mission.

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