Captain Peter Machado is an industry veteran and Master Mariner and was also one of our first Fleet users of Portascanner™ Watertight when he was with Kuwait Livestock and Trading saying, “COLTRACO’s Portascanner™ is the product that I am happy to endorse having used the product for many years in the challenging environment of large livestock carriers. Watertight integrity was and remains critical as the most recent conversions have been car carriers through hatch cover testing, container ships and tankers. Portascanner™ is portable, easy to carry and use, and more importantly, very efficient. It is a rugged. Aspects include purchase price at good value, good warranty terms, the availability of spares and service stations at major hub ports.” Including now our ODA Service Stations in Dubai, Singapore, London, Miami, Bombay and Calcutta for repairs & calibrations.

Coltraco 2024 Year End Review – Our Growth Journey
As we approach the end of 2024, we would like to extend our warmest thanks from everyone at Coltraco for your support throughout this year.