The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has implemented new regulations, effective from November 2022, to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships. These regulations, known as the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI), aim to improve the energy efficiency of ships and reduce their carbon intensity. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into these regulations, their significance, and discuss how Permaflow®, a fixed and non-invasive ultrasonic flow and heat meter, can help ship operators meet and exceed these requirements. For more information regarding these regulations and how Permaflow® can help you comply with them, please drop us an email today.
Understanding the CII and EEXI Regulations:
The CII regulation and the EEXI regulation are crucial components of IMO’s commitment to reducing carbon intensity in the shipping industry. Let’s explore each regulation in detail:

in pic: An infographic displaying the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII Rating).

in pic: An infographic displaying the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI).
Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII):
The CII regulation requires ships with a gross tonnage of 5,000 and above to calculate their annual operational carbon intensity and obtain a CII rating. The CII rating reflects the ship’s performance in terms of reducing GHG emissions relative to the amount of cargo carried over the distance travelled. The rating will be on a scale from A to E. A rating of A indicates the best performance level, while a rating of E indicates inferior performance. Furthermore, ship operators need to report their CII rating annually and strive for continuous improvement.
Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI):
The EEXI regulation applies to ships with a gross tonnage of 400 and above, measuring a ship’s energy efficiency compared to a baseline. This aims to ensure each ship meets the minimum energy efficiency standards. The attained Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) is calculated by taking into account factors such as ship type and size categories. The calculated EEXI value must be below the required EEXI to comply with the regulation.

in pic: The Permaflow® Main Unit is clamped onto a pipe

in pic: Permaflow® Main Unit in hand
How Permaflow® Helps Your Vessel Comply With the Regulations:
Permaflow®, as a reliable and accurate ultrasonic flow meter. As a result, it can play a vital role in helping ship operators meet and exceed the CII and EEXI regulations. Here’s how Permaflow® can assist:
- Non-Destructive and Clamp-On Design: This eliminates the need for cutting pipes or interrupting operations. It also makes installation quick, easy, and cost-effective. Moreover, ship operators can retrofit Permaflow® onto existing systems without major modifications. This reduces downtime and operational disruptions.
- 24/7 Monitoring Capability: The continuous monitoring capability enables ship operators to gather real-time data on flow rates and energy consumption. This ensures accurate and up-to-date information for CII and EEXI calculations. In addition to allowing for proactive energy efficiency management and timely interventions.
- Versatile Application: Permaflow® is suitable for a wide range of liquid flows such as volumetric flow and mass flow. It is adaptable to various ship types and sizes. Whether it’s bulk carriers, tankers, containerships, or passenger ships, Permaflow® can effectively measure flow rates and energy consumption.

Find out more about ultrasonic flow meters
The CII and EEXI regulations introduced by IMO are critical steps toward reducing GHG emissions and improving energy efficiency in the shipping industry. Ship operators must comply with these regulations and strive for continuous improvement in carbon intensity. Permaflow®, with its non-invasive design, accurate measurements, 24/7 monitoring capability, and versatile application, is a valuable tool that helps ship operators meet and exceed these requirements. By utilising Permaflow®, operators can gather reliable data, optimise energy consumption, and contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly shipping industry. With Permaflow®, ships can navigate the waters towards a greener and more efficient future.