World’s first dedicated three-gas system to continually monitor loss of agent quantity due to leakage in high-pressure seamless CO2 cylinders, liquefied clean agents (NOVEC™1230, FM-200® with Nitrogen) and non-liquefied clean agents (Inert gases e.g.Inergen™).
Permalevel® FEATHERWEIGHT is designed for total flood fire suppression systems in seamless cylinders
Choose Permalevel® FEATHERWEIGHT for CO2, liquefied and non-liquefied clean agents.
For non-liquefied clean agents where pressure is used as a direct indication of agent quantity, our system converts the cylinder’s fill pressure to agent mass.
The user does not have to worry about temperature fluctuations during maintenance schedules. This is because agent mass is independent of temperature, with the ability to set pressure-equivalent leak alarm thresholds, allowing you to adhere to ISO and NFPA regulatory requirements more easily.
Pre-programmed thresholds based on regulatory needs: 10% for CO2 and 5% for Clean Agents, for Inergen™, you will also be given the pressure loss which is intrinsically linked to mass.
Improve Your Fire Safety
Permalevel® FEATHERWEIGHT electronics enable multi-relay power and communications up to four electronic units, each controlling 12-cylinders, totalling 48-cylinder monitoring capability from 1 power source.