Coltraco 2024 Year End Review – Our Growth Journey
As we approach the end of 2024, we would like to extend our warmest thanks from everyone at Coltraco for your support throughout this year.
Portasonic® PLUS is a portable ultrasonic transit-time flow meter designed to measure, internally record, and export the flow rate within a pipe with precision and ease. Portasonic® PLUS uses a customisable pre-programmed database to allow it to work with a wide variety of pipe materials and liquid types as a highly versatile monitoring solution that can be adapted for specific applications.
P/N: 2618949-PSOPLUS
The Portapipe® is a portable and battery powered liquid level indicator designed to non-invasively, accurately, and reliably measure the level of liquid within a pipe. The Portapipe® can be applied to both vertical and horizontal pipes from 25mm to 330mm in diameter to provide a precise result within ±1% of true level.
P/N: 3174740-PIPE
Portagas® is a world’s first technology for non-invasive, non-destructive monitoring of pressurised, inert gas systems.
It is a unique and innovative solution designed to monitor the pressure of pressurized, non-liquefied inert gases and compressed gas cylinders, including Inergen®, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Propane, Methane, Chlorine, Ammonia, Hydrogen, and CO2.
Utilizing sophisticated signal processing and acoustic technology to detect even minor fluctuations in internal cylinder pressure, with precision below the 5% required by regulations and by detecting marginal changes in the internal cylinder pressure with precision well below 5% demanded by the regulations, making it a valuable tool for ensuring safety and compliance.
P/N: 3107505-GAS
The Permaflow® is a fixed, clamp-on, ultrasonic transit time flow and heat meter that is non-invasive for measuring the flow rates of liquids containing less than 10% of gas/solid contents. It is mains powered, designed for 24/7 monitoring and is accurate to +/- 0.5% of measured value under ideal conditions.
P/N: 3578010-FLOW
Portascanner® WATERTIGHT PRO is a handheld, tablet-based integrity testing system that is able to detect the exact location and size of multiple leaks simultaneously on a single structure. Portascanner® WATERTIGHT PRO records leak flow rate and location to its database and can export these to a USB to record and report the test results electronically.
P/N: 509004-PRO
NSN: 6625-99-257-8336
IMPA MSG P/N: 652778
Portascanner® WATERTIGHT PLUS is a handheld watertight integrity tester for inspecting the watertightness and weathertightness of hatch covers, watertight doors and multi cable transit seals in marine environments. It is a portable, handheld solution which can be used by a single operator to test a large number of different hatches and seals in one quick and easy inspection.
P/N: 509004-WTPLUS
NSN: 6625-99-257-8336
IMPA MSG P/N: 652778
The Portatank® is a versatile, handheld, portable ultrasonic liquid level indicator for fast and reliable measurements. Powered by a battery, it provides a non-invasive way to measure the liquid level within tanks, making it ideal for industrial and commercial applications.
The device can accurately measure liquid levels in vessels ranging from 0.5 meters to 15 meters in diameter. Whether working with metal, plastic, or glass tanks, the Portatank® ensures consistent results across various materials.
P/N: 3141184-TANK
The Portalevel® INTRINSICALLY SAFE is an ultrasonic liquid level indicator approved for Zone 1 and Zone 2 ATEX and IECEx hazardous or explosive environments.
P/N: 2290334-IS
The Portasteele® CALCULATOR is the perfect partner to any of Coltraco Ultrasonics’ liquid level detectors. It allows you to convert your measured liquid level to an agent weight, precisely and accurately. These readings can then be saved and exported for future reference and traceability.
Used in partnership with the Portalevel® Ultrasonic Level Indicator range
P/N: CALC-007
Portalevel® MAX MARINE PLUS is a highly capable, handheld liquid level indicator with ABS Type Approval for marine applications in level monitoring. Portalevel® MAX MARINE PLUS is fast, accurate, and reliable; with a survivable construction and cutting-edge ultrasonic capabilities, it allows an operator to non-invasively monitor the liquid level of almost any CO2, Halon, or Clean Agent fire suppression system at sea.
P/N: 2290334-COMXPSM
NSN: 6680-99-192-2735
IMPA MSG P/N: 652776
Watertight Integrity Monitoring
We have developed the Portascanner® WATERTIGHT PRO. The Portascanner® WATERTIGHT PRO is an ultrasonic instrument used for the location and quantification of leak-sites in watertight compartment Multiple Cable Transit Areas and Watertight Compartment Doors at sea, but more importantly and uniquely, we have designed the instrument with the capability to calculate the water flow rate through them in the event of compartment flooding, to enhance and advance Damage Control and Safety & Survivability in warships and submarines. We developed this with the purpose of contributing to the internal “damage control battle” of Naval warships to save the ship at the damage moment.
The key advantages of the Portascanner® Watertight PRO are:
It is designed to be used to identify, measure, and remedy potential leak-sites in and around the personnel-carrying vehicle compartment, crew compartments, and the engine compartment. This platform can measure the leak area during inspection and calculate the total flow rates of water which would ingress under different water pressures and sea states. This allows a unique ability to quantify the risk to specific areas in a structure.
These are liable to slow seepage or accidental discharge; if the contents do not exist, the design concentration cannot be developed to extinguish a ship or submarine fire and challenging to test at sea where they are most-necessary. Liquified Fixed Gaseous Extinguishing Systems, such as Halon, CO2, FM-200™ & NOVEC™ 1230, are gases stored at very high pressures, making them liable to slow seepage and accidental discharge; if the contents fall below their ability to deliver the design concentration required, the remaining extinguishing gas will not extinguish the fire event. IMO SOLAS II/21.3 state that the crew must have the means to, “periodically test the watertight doors and all mechanisms at least once a week”. IMO SOLAS Fire Suppressions Safety Code state that the “crew must have the means to test the contents” its fixed extinguishing systems at sea, for this. This is the reason why we designed the Portalevel® MAX MARINE PLUS hand-held instrument, enabling the crew to test for the contents of liquefied CO2, FM-200™ and NOVEC™ 1230 Clean Agent extinguishing systems to an accuracy of +/-1.5mm, contained within the highly pressurised gases contained within their large cylinders.
The key advantages of Portalevel® MAX PLUS include:
For 4 years we have been designing the means for a Naval Crew to monitor the contents of their Non-liquefied fixed fire Gaseous Extinguishing Systems containing the non-liquefied gas, Inergen™ and which sometimes replaces the liquefied gaseous extinguishants such as Halon or NOVEC™ 1230. Inergen™ is typically stored in 45KG/100lb cylinders at pressures between of up to 300 Bar. At such pressures they are also subject to slow seepage of contents or occasionally accidental discharge. If the gas is insufficient at sea to develop the design concentration required, the fire event will not be extinguished. The land-based fire industry who install the systems leave the maritime user dependent on the dockside maintenance and pressure gauges to monitor pressure, but this does not enable the warship or submarine to monitor the contents at sea. Our instrument allows Navies to monitor both at sea, so that the integrity of the Inergen™ system can be maintained by the crew who depend on it.
The key advantages of Portagas® are:
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Our News
The latest news, technologies, and resources from our team.
As we approach the end of 2024, we would like to extend our warmest thanks from everyone at Coltraco for your support throughout this year.
The Naval Damage Control Conference 2024 sought to discuss innovative technologies and training, with the objective to improve damage control, firefighting, and survivability in the
As one of the world’s first innovative portable ultrasonic liquid level indicator with a brand new dual certification, Coltraco Ultrasonic’s Portalevel® INTRINSICALLY SAFE (Portalevel® IS) meets stringent safety standards for explosive atmospheres, making it suitable for use globally in both Zone 1 and Zone 2 hazardous areas. The device measures liquid levels contained in fire suppression cylinders and other types of tanks stored in hazardous zone environments.